Meditation Courses & Workshops | Professional Development
Available in 2022Meditation Workshops & Studies
Ideation & Mind
1. Lower Mind, Vocabulary, Knowledge, Perception
2. Philosophy, Hierarchy, Truth
3. Higher Mind, Hermeneutics, Meditation, Dialectics, Logos
Feeling & Psychology
4. Psychology, Field Consciousness, Breathing
5. Religion, Mantra, Love, Devotion
6. Male/Female Relationships, Mythology, Emotion
Will, Consciousness, Infinity
7. Non-Dual ASP – Spirit, Absolute Source
8. Will, Intention, Symbols, Art, Concentration
9. Consciousness, Contemplation, Reflexive Self-Consciousness, Freedom
Courses for Professional Development
10. YOGA & MEDITATION COURSES and CPD (Continuing Professional Development)
Workshop are allocated 2 hours each unless otherwise specified.
Malcolm’s rate for conducting these workshops is £60/hr, regardless of group size. Travel costs may apply as extra.
1. Lower Mind, Vocabulary, Knowledge, Perception
- Physical Body Exercise Preparations, Movements, Postures and Techniques which help you to sit still for meditation. A practical class – please wear clothes suitable to stretch and relax.
- What is Clarity of Mind? – What is Enlightened Mind? – Stages of Meditation and mental development for ‘perceptive’ individuals – sound, words, vocabulary, language, integration. Attaining Mental Clarity – transcending vrittis(turmoil in the mind)
- The Serial Thinking Mind as barrier to Enlightenment – how to interfere with it, and stop it
- The Mind and the No-Mind (mind that doesn’t think)
- Understanding the Ego Structure, and The Structure of the Psyche
- When the Ego is Empty – what remains, what follows
- Pratyahara (sense withdrawal) in Theory and Practice
- Pramana – means to knowledge – perception, inference, authority, intuition, conjecture
2. Philosophy, Hierarchy, Truth
- Meditations on the 26 Great Rules of Yoga
- Spiritual yoga compared to secular exercise – how to convert mundane techniques into spiritual development, for yoga and meditation practitioners.
- Thought Systems and Governing Concepts – how an individual may aim to govern their life intelligently. What happens when an idea is established as a governing concept? Bracing against forces or destruction.
- The Fall of Consciousness Down the Spine
- Hierarchy in Body Centres – levels of awareness.
- Six Plane Meditation – six levels of Meditation applied within an individual being.
- Three-part Human Being – Thinking Feeling Willing and their relations for individual integration
- Pancha Kosha – Five Things to Do – the five koshas (sheaths) in Yogic Meditation in a modern applied context. Plus hand mudras – purpose, aim, form and technique
- Microcosmic-Self, Microcosmic-self, and Egoic-self
- Samkhya (lit. enumeration of the categories) – The Philosophy of Yoga – 6th Century BC – outline & differences between Samkhya and Yoga – Yoga as the ‘practice’ of Samkhya
- Zodiacal Significances – “the Middle Mind flowering from the Heart”
3. Higher Mind, Hermeneutics, Meditation, Dialectics, Logos
- Meditation as Samyama – The real original purpose of Yoga is gaining the ability to do Samyama, comprising 3 components:- Concentration, Meditation, Samadhic Contemplation.
- Microcosmic and Macrocosmic Fields in Yoga & Meditation
- Meditation across the world – clarification of terms and techniques for Meditation; Dhyana, Dianoia, Jhana, Chan, Zen
- Five Meditation Techniques Eastern and Western – finding one which works for you.
- Yantra Meditation – the purpose of Meditation Yantra. Tantra comprises 3 main aspects; Yantra is one of them. How to compose and apply Yantra Meditation in a spiritually developing life.
- Meditations on the Right Brian and the Left Brain – Two halves of the brain, connected by nerve cable. Left half is good at verbal serial analysis etc. Right half is good at holistic comprehension. By practice one may use either side at will. Learn the difference between left brain meditation and right brain meditation, and how to approach each method in practical exercises.
- The Zodiac as Yantra – zodiacal significances and how to apply and embody them in practice with thought, feeling and will. 7 planetary types, 4 elements, 3 phases, integration, insight and Yantra.
- Meditation and Contemplation on the 6 Levels of Being – know what they are and how to integrate and embody – physical body mineral, life growth plant, motion animal, intellectual forethought and control, free will non-reactivity initiative, pure consciousness & reflexivity.
- 8 Paired Psychological States – meditation for balancing the Psyche with emotional states.
- Introduction to The Buddhist Wheel of Dependent Origination – Pratityasamutpada of Nagarjuna, the wheel of life meditation – 12 stages, 6 worlds, 3 functions, 2 phases – and how to apply in Practical Life – 2 workshops
- Dialectics and Meditation – cube meditations and dialectics as meditational integrator.
- The Houses of Life – medieval zodiacal houses as Yantra for meditation
- Meditations on the Whole Being/Bottle – Matter, Physical Body Organic Inertia function, Impulsive Conative drive, Affective response like/dislike, Ideational Process, Coordinative Function, Spiritual Intuition, Spirit
- Meditation using Sacred texts as meditation media – The Bible, Tao Teh Ching (Chinese), The Bhagavad Gita (Indian), The Secret of the Golden Flower (Chinese) – importance of clarity in definition, terms, words, and terminology.
- Meditation Techniques from the Sutras of Patanjali.
- Meditation and Samadhic Contemplation.
- Samsara Meditation – 7 Psychological States and how to balance them to transcend the wheel of suffering – pleasure, pain, ignorance, virtue, vice, attachment, aversion
- Meditations on the Seven Chakras of the Subtle Body – analysis and practice
- Muladhara vrittis – chakra of foundation – expression and turning point of the will – integration within the individual of the four aspects of will (petals) in order to start a return to Shiva (pure consciousness)
- Svadhisthana vrittis – chakra of the place of the self – integration within the individual of its 6 emotional states (petals), in order to attain Manipura
- Manipura vrittis – chakra of the city of jewels – integration within the individual of its 9 emotional states (petals) in order to attain Anahata
- Heart Chakra – Anahata Chakra vrittis – fields and meditations on the 12 emotional states (petals) in order to attain Jivatman
- Shakespeare Yantra – Meditations on the 12 Graces and 12 Vices of the King
4. Psychology, Field Consciousness, Breathing
- Different Pranayama and Breathing Techniques for different types of Meditation. Psychology and Breathing Techniques to understand what happens in the mind and psyche(soul) when applying certain breathing techniques
- The Bio-field life force, prana-maya-kosha, and Technique development.
- States & Stages of Feeling & Field Awareness – presence, devotion and emotion – the waves of feeling and their modifications in Meditative practice. Aspects of the Feeling Self x3 – wave psychology, feeling-flux, and cycloid behaviour characteristics
- Vrittis and Vayus – psychology of turning in the mind, and the subtle winds – theory and practical exercises. The Mind and the Cessation of the Turnings(vrittis) of the Mind – definition of Yoga by Patanjali, and understanding the process.
- What is Pain? How to understand and transcend pain. Love, Truth and Pain.
- INNER FEELING – There is an inner feeling at any given moment either of passivity to the world’s events, or of an active assumption of a self-directive. The feelings are quite different. The passive is accompanied by a down-drift quality, the active with a “forwards and upwards” quality. Discover the difference between these two feelings through Yoga and Meditation disciplines, and what the consequences are of identifying with each in your individual development.
- Overview of Hatha Yoga – sapta-sadhana – its purpose, aim & practice – Shodhana, Asana, Mudra & Bandha, Pratyahara, Pranayama, Dhyana, Samadhi (body ctr approach)
- Hatha Yoga’s particular Pranayama for Meditation – leading into Samadhic Contemplation, the True purpose of breathing exercise and techniques. Which ones do we really need and which are unessential? What is the true aim of Pranayama. Part 1– the therapeutic techniques. Part 2– the meditational and ascending techniques – Ujjayi, Surya Bhedana, Nadi Shodana, ratio breathing.
- Hatha Yoga Realisation – approaching Reflexive Self-consciousness via pranayama and concentration.
5. Religion, Mantra, Love, Devotion
- Meditations from The Bhagavad Gita
- Bhakti Meditation – Devotion – What is Devotion and what are the stages of Devotion and commitment of the heart? What is the Ultimate True Commitment and what is implied in its freedom? Levels and types of love.
- Techniques and Meditations from Indian Tantra – Yantra, Mantra, Mudra
- Choosing and Jacob Boehme’s 1623 “On The Election of Grace”
- Planetary Significances and Depth Psychology – teachings of Jacob Boehme from Signatura Rerum, Signature of all Things
- Meditations from the Tao Teh Ching, the Chinese classic
- Paradise – body psyche pneuma
- If Reincarnation be true, what follows? – Historically throughout the World in Spiritual Traditions, Reincarnation of the Soul has been vowed and disavowed in differing periods and in different epochs. If reincarnation is adopted as a teaching, what does this mean for a developing individual? What is the difference between Responsibility and Response-ability, and what has this to do with true Meditation?
- Mantra – the Essential idea in Theory and Practice – East and West
- Spirituality and Yoga – What is Spiritual Yoga compared to Physical Yoga? Is there a difference, and if so, what is the difference? Developing a personal Spiritual practice which doesn’t commit you to the dogma and doctrine of secular organisations
- Meditations and Teachings of Neem Karoli Baba & Ram Dass (aka Richard Alpert, 1931-2019) – their contribution of introducing essential and useful Hindu teachings to the Western world throughout the 20th and early 21st Century.
- Identifying with Universal Purpose and Expanding Insight – The Universe and The Individual – What is the Relationship between the true Yogi and The Universal Being? What is the ongoing Aim of this Relationship, and what are the procedures for Implementation and Development of the Universe/Individual relationship?
- Meditation and Ancestral Body Influence – What influence does Inheritance have upon the Meditator, or any individual? What is the difference between reincarnation and ancestral influence? How does Reflexive Self-consciousness short-circuit Ancestral Influence?
- Hierarchy in Religions – Omnisience/Nescience to Death
- Many Paths Exist, by which peoples of the world develop, as they do.
- Education, Injure-cation, Indoctrination, Modification of Substance, Conditioning – differentiation before development.
- Meditation and Mysticism
- Karma Resurrection and Reincarnation
- Meditation on Vedanta
- Meditations on Crest Jewel of Discrimination – Shankara
- Western Meditation and Levels of Being & Awareness
- Yoga and Religion – differences and similarities
- Yogic and Meditation Teachings of the English mystic Eugene Halliday – 20th Century
6. Male/Female Relationships, Mythology, Emotion
- The Tacit Conspiracy – metaphysics of Male and Female, and the Relationship
- The Zodiacal Signs, partnerships, and their integration in a Relationship Yantra
- Meditations on One Love Disguised as Five kinds of Love
- Understanding the Male/Female balance within the Individual – “fix your own inner relationship first”
- Male and Female – A Depth Understanding – the four aspects of the individual. We will then see how they work inside each person, and then how they work between partners. Pre-Reading text required and essential.
- Meditations on Emotional and Psychological States of the Chakras – understanding Emotional States, Fear, Anxiety and Passion
7. Non-Dual ASP – Spirit, Absolute Source
- The Quintessential – Eternity – the pure and essential – ref to Shakespeare’s Hamlet “bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space”, and “Shakespeare King Educator” by Eugene Halliday and David Mahlowe
- Spirit and Soul – Is there a difference, is it a relation, or are they the same?
- Serial Time and Simultaneous Eternity – significance for enlightenment.
- Advaita (Non-Dualism) – Self-Realisation (Aparokshanubhuti). Reflexivity and the ‘Non-dual Absolute Sentient Power’, source of the Universe and all beings. The foundation of True Individuality Development, directional & reflexive aim.
- Ishvara – The Universe and The Individual – What is the Relationship between the true Yogi and The Universal Being? What is the ongoing Aim of this Relationship, and what are the procedures for Implementation and Development of the Universe/Individual relationship?
- True Yoga and its Original Ideal found through deep meditation and samadhic contemplation.
8. Will, Intention, Symbols, Art, Concentration
- Introduction to Spiritual Creativity and Happiness – the value of opposition and resistance
- Power, Urge, Will, Energy, Desire and Appetite
- Art and its significance for meditation, therapy and individual development
- The Rationale and Technique of Art Therapy
- Intuitive Art as a Personal Development Tool – Preparation, Relaxation techniques, Intuitive Art exercise, Interpretation of Intuitive Art, Meditation, Contemplation – 3 hour workshop
- Raja Yoga (Self-Rulership by concentration and meditation) – overview of Patanjali’s Raja Yoga for Meditation – ashtanga-sadhana – How Hatha Yoga’s preparation leads into the Eight Limbs and what follows. – Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi (head ctr approach)
- Raja Yoga Samyama – in Theory & Practice – concentration, meditation, contemplation
- Patanjali’s Yoga Aphorisms – A Summary of His Essential Ideas and His Meditation Technique
- The Yoga Sutra-s (Aphorisms) of Patanjali – introduction, outline and themes, practice theory & method, practice discipline.
- Patanjali – A pocket guide to the Patanjali yoga sutras – a volitional and functional skeleton key – going beyond ideas (pattern jail) and putting the sutras to the test of will and feeling
- Patanjali’s Yoga Classic – what is useful in it for the Individual who aims to develop; what is relatively useless or outdated for a modern Yogi? What else does the Yogi need today as well as Patanjali?
- Concentration – practice – centring in body, mind, soul, spirit.
- Applied Power – will, wish, want, desire, appetite, urge, drive – how each is different – ref to China’s greatest Yogi ‘Lao Tse’ and his Classic on how to live life the “Tao Teh Ching” – the Way and its Power.
- WILL and the SPIRITUAL WARRIOR – WILL is not WISH, WANT, or DESIRE. Will is Spirit, initiative, the starter of every original act. What is not will is inertia. Inertia is the after-motion of a once-originating will. The Spiritual Warrior is he who makes war against everything that impedes his own true perception of his being and of the Infinite Reality which is his source.
- Will, Intention and Sankalpa in Meditation – selecting and charging a clear idea as trajectory for energy expenditure and insight.
- Prayer and Concentration practices. What is Prayer and how to practice?
- Will, Choice and Choosing – what is choice? – the Metaphysics of Choice from a non-dual (Advaita) viewpoint.
- Will & Faith versus Reason & Intellect – exercises for Development of Will & Faith
- The purpose of a Symbol – Meditation Symbology and Symbols
- The Psychographic Art of Eugene Halliday – appreciation of, and insight into, over 100 psychographic drawings
- Love as Will (power + consciousness) to work to develop the held-in power of the individual, the spiritual potential, requires Love as Will and Choice reinitiated in each moment. Will, Love, Choice and Concentration as key to individual development.
- Yoga as Development of the Individual Being – What is the individual & what is the individual in relation to the group? Values & detractions of being in the group, and vice versa, isolation from the group.
- The Awakened Consciousness – wake, daydream, dream, dreamless sleep. Dream Recall techniques for developing insight and Reflexive Self-Consciousness
- The Universe and the Individual
- The Pursuit of Power
- Integration of Self – Physical Body, Vital Force, Lower Desire, Higher Desire, Mind, Intellect, Will, Beyond Individuality, Consciousness.
- Aspects of Field Yoga and Meditation – aim, technique, application, 12 Fields and Styles of Yoga – physical, mental, psychological, spiritual. Overview – to be, to experience, to body forth, to feel a zone of influence, to feel encumbrance, to feel release, to know, to organise, to articulate, to desire, to will, to focus create.
9. Consciousness, Contemplation, Reflexive Self-Consciousness, Freedom
- Is Enlightenment gained progressively or immediately, suddenly. Is Enlightenment attained ? We will see what enlightenment is in fact – the 2 schools of traditional development – which one is for you? ref to Zen and the teachings of Eugene Halliday
- Consciousness and Reflexive Self-consciousness. Reflexive Self Consciousness as an ultimate aim in Meditation – samadhic contemplation as samprajnata. Reflexive Self Consciousness, Self-Reflexive Consciousness – “consciousness bending back upon itself – the step beyond meditation”
- Introspection & Knowing Thyself – what is the Self and the self (egoic)
- Will, Consciousness, and Reflexive Self-consciousness
- Conscience, Sentience, Awareness, Consciousness, Reflexive Self-consciousness – stages of development for the individual
- Applied Reflexive Self-consciousness – Universal Understanding – ref to Eugene Halliday’s seed kernel teaching and why the technique is so important for individual freedom and personal creativity in the Age of Aquarius – the surveillance & memory age.
10. YOGA & MEDITATION COURSES and CPD (Continuing Professional Development)
- 300 hours: Yoga and Meditation Course – as Workshops and Practice sessions – Clarifying and Deepening Your Yoga Understanding & Practice – Theoretical principles, Practices, Question time and Assessment.
- 30 hours: Cleansing and Purifications in Yoga – Body, Mind, Psyche – food, diet, Ayurveda (Wisdom of Life), shat karmas (6 purifications of Hatha Yoga), Yamas (recommended abstinences), Niyamas (recommended observances).
- 60 hours: Hatha Yoga Anatomy and Physiology – Stretching, Bending, Opening, and Moving the Physical Body in Yoga practice.
- 12 hours: Essentials in Yoga Posture (Asana) practice & development – how to understand postures, to DO, not be DONE by, the posture.
- 12 hours: Building Energy, Emotional Strength, Courage and Will Power in Yoga – principles and practices.
- 12 hours: Mudras, Bandhas, Pranavayus in Yoga practice – practices, knowledge and understanding which are fundamental to correct practice of Hatha Yoga.
- 12 hours: Pratyahara – five sense withdrawal, introspection and stabilisation as preparation for Pranayama.
- 24 hours: Pranayama Essentials and Techniques – knowledge & techniques on the stages of development of breathing in Yoga practices and why. What are the aims of, & to experience, the various pranayama techniques in Yoga, both therapeutic and psycho-spiritually advancing techniques.
- 12 hours: Concentration – the Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga approaches and technique of Meditation
- 6 hours: Concentration and Meditation approach in Raja Yoga.
- 12 hours: Cultivating access to Wisdom(the Higher Mind) & Developing and Deepening Meditational States in Yoga – what is the Higher Mind compared to the Lower Mind, how to build & cultivate an integrated ‘personality’ as pre-requisite to entering the Higher Mind – principles, techniques and practices.
- 12 hours: Samadhic Contemplation and Reflexive Self-consciousness as Yoga’s highest aim – theory and practice technique
- 6 hours: Principles and Practices of Tantra – what is Tantra, what is Tantric Yoga’s aim – using Yantra, Mandala, Mantra & Mudra in Yoga and Meditation disciplines?
- 6 hours: Yogic Integration – bringing it all together, how to fulfill the aim of Yoga and gain the realisation.
- 60 hours: Level One Hatha Yoga Course – 10 weeks – 6 hours/week
- 60 hours: Level Two Hatha Yoga Course – 10 weeks – 6 hours/week
- 60 hours: Level Three Hatha Yoga Course – 10 weeks – 6 hours/week
- 26 hours: AIM of Yoga – Workshop Series – theory and practice – What is Yoga?, Value of Yoga’s Rescue via Reflexive Self-consciousness, First Great Rule In Yoga, Second Great Rule in Yoga, FALLING into Identification, NON-Identification, FREEDOM from Inclination, Bondage & The Fall of Consciousness, CAUSE of Inclination, BREAKING IDENTIFICATION 1, BREAKING IDENTIFICATION 2, The SELF, Consciousness & Will, WHOLENESS, FREEDOM & Reflexive Self-Consciousness, Gaining Reflexive Self-Consciousness – Exercise
- 12 hours: Field Yoga COURSE – Field Yoga Ghatastha Beginners Level One Sequence – Postures and Techniques,12 Preparations for Yoga, 33 Postures & Techniques, 3 Breathing Techniques, 1 Relaxation Technique, 1 Meditation Technique, Samadhic Contemplation Technique.
- 40 hours: WAKING – an introduction to Field Yoga – a complete Yoga process taking the participant through a special series of purifications and body postures(in many forms), mudras, bandhas, sense withdrawal, concentration, meditation and contemplation via Reflexive Self-consciousness.
- 60 hours: YOGA PHILOSOPHY – its approach in development of the individual – 10 week Course – 6 hours/week
- 30 hours: YOGA METAPHYSICS – development of the individual – 10 week Course – 3hrs/week
- 60 hours: Yoga Chakras in Theory and Practice – 3 hours over 20 weeks – rationale & meditations
- 6 hours: Applied Types of Thinking – perception, inference, serial, logic, geometric, logo-logic – ref to Archetypes originating in 14th Century Tarot, and The Tarot as ‘Thought Machine’ (2 Workshops 3 hrs each)
- 160 hours: Through the Bible – Eugene Halliday – a view of the progress of Spirit in the world – includes illustrations and meditations
- 70 hours: Christian Philosophy – Eugene Halliday – that philosophy which can be shown to derive logically from the words spoken by Jesus Christ. Jesus says, “The words that I speak unto you are spirit and they are life”. (John 6:63) – includes illustrations and meditations
- 30 hours: The Conquest of Anxiety – Eugene Halliday – a way of approach to the problem of fear and anxiety from the viewpoint of ideas implicit in the teachings of Jesus Christ – includes illustrations and meditations
- 30 hours: Shakespeare King Educator – including meditations
- 12 hours: The Buddhist Wheel of Dependent Origination – the wheel of life meditation – 12 stages, 6 worlds, 3 functions, 2 phases – and how to apply in Practical Life
- 24 hours: The Zodiascope – EH – illustrations and practical exercises
- 15 hours: Tarot as a Thought Machine (5 workshops, 3 hrs each)